CAMTS Accreditation: Important Questions Answered

Posted on July 01, 2019

With accreditation from CAMTS, AirMed is able to deliver a seamless transport experience to its customers across the globe. Even though some states require an air medical transportation company to be accredited by an institution like CAMTS; this is not applicable on a national level. In order to attain the “fully accredited” status, air medical transport companies must volunteer to get areas of their service reviewed. This process would include site inspections, review of manuals and files, personnel interviews and different criteria analysis. Some important questions related to CAMTS accreditation in relation to AirMed are answered below:

What is CAMTS?

CAMTS, Commission on Accreditation Medical Transport Services, offers voluntary accreditation services. This organization is overseen by a Board of Directors representing 21 non-profit member organizations. They review all operations of an organisation such as ground, rotor, fixed-wing and medical escort programs. The survey conducted by CAMTS looks at all aspects of an organisation including: aviation, safety, administration, education, patient care, quality management and communication. Amongst these, safety and patient care are rated as the key aspects and prioritized at the highest level.

What is the process for obtaining a CAMTS Accreditation?

Initial applications are submitted to CAMTS office with all the relevant information regarding the program. The PIF (Program Information Form) is a document requiring the Program to provide a broad range of information to demonstrate compliance with the relevant standards set forth by CAMTS.

For new Programs, data pertaining to one whole year is required. Upon receiving PIF, a team of site surveyors visit the Program to review the information that was submitted via the PIF in real-time. The supervisors do not make any decisions, they merely collect information and formulate it for the Board of Directors. Ultimately, it is the Board who is responsible for decisions related to accreditation status.

How Many Companies Are Awarded?

As of April 13, 2019 there were 158 CAMTS accredited Programs worldwide.

AirMed has been CAMTS accredited for over a decade now.

What is the significance of a CAMTS Accreditation?

CAMTS is a peer review organization, dedicated to improving patient care and transport safety. They have acquired their “Gold Standard” by continually developing standards, education and services.

For consumers, CAMTS accreditation provides a level of assurance, as this gives them the comfort of knowing that an independent body has given the program the stamp of approval. It serves as a proof that policies, procedures and aircraft/vehicles of the program have been reviewed and meet the stringent guidelines of the transport industry.

If you have questions about CAMTS accreditation or would like more information regarding our air medical transport services, please get in touch with our team today.

For more information, you can also visit CAMTS website.